We should intensify international coordination to curb excessive speculation, improve the food trading system and establish a fair and equitable international trading order for agricultural products. 加强国际协调,抑制过度投机,完善粮食贸易体制,建立公平合理的国际农产品贸易秩序;
We will continue to get actively involved in economic globalization and work to build a fair and equitable international trading regime and financial system. 我们将继续积极参与经济全球化的进程,推动建设公正合理的国际贸易体系和金融体制。
We need not only to increase employment and promote balanced, coordinated, fair and equitable development within a country. We also need to achieve development that features peaceful coexistence and common growth among countries and regions. 我们不仅要在一国之内实现就业增加、平衡协调、公平正义的发展,还要推动国家和地区之间实现和平共处、共同增长的发展。
They agreed to further strengthen coordination and cooperation in multilateral forums including China-Russia-India, BRICS, and G-20 to jointly tackle global issues such as climate change, international terrorism, food and energy security, and to establish a fair and equitable international political and economic system. 双方同意将继续加强在中俄印、金砖国家、二十国集团等多边机制中的协调配合,共同应对气候变化、国际反恐、粮食和能源安全等全球性问题,推动建设更加公平合理的全球政治经济秩序。
One of the important tools agreed in Japan is the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization. 在日本商定的重要工具之一是《遗传资源获取以及利用遗传资源所产生惠益公平公正分享问题名古屋议定书》。
The Ministry of Education also requires that exam papers are thoroughly checked for veracity and that stronger measures are enforced during the reexamination process in order to punish cheating candidates and ensure a fair and equitable admissions process. 教育部要求认真核查试卷,对作弊考生严肃处理,强化复试考核,确保录取公平公正。
Establish fair and equitable salary system and excitation mechanism, and provide retirement and medical insurance welfare. 建立公平合理的薪资制度,激励机制,提供退休及医疗保险福利。
Develop a fair and equitable formula for levying an assessment. 制定公式为征收的公平和公正的评估。
Bonn guidelines on access to genetic resources and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of their utilization; 关于获得遗传资源和公正、公平地分享其利用所产生的惠益的波恩准则;
Applicants would also need to give evidence of the fair and equitable sharing of benefits under the national regime of their country of origin. 同时,专利申请人也需要提供证明,证明他们与这些基因资源和本土知识原产国按照该原产过的制度进行了公平合理的利益分配。
Like the people of other countries, the Chinese people wish to see in the new century a peaceful and stable world, a fair and equitable international order, common prosperity for all countries and a happy and contented life for all the people. 和世界各国人民一样,中国人民期望在新的世纪,世界走向和平稳定,国际秩序更加公正合理,各国实现共同繁荣,人民能够安居乐业。
This means that the clubs must work with district leadership to determine fair and equitable distribution of grant funds. 它意味著扶轮社必须与地区领导一起工作以决定如何公正、公平地使用奖助金经费。
Each Party shall accord to investments treatment in accordance with customary international law, including fair and equitable treatment, full protection and security, and non-discrimination. 一方应按照习惯国际法来对待所有投资,包括公平和公正的待遇,提供充分的保护和确保安全,以及不歧视。
The WHO Director-General has called for international solidarity to provide fair and equitable access to pandemic influenza vaccines for all countries. 世卫组织总干事要求国际团结,使所有国家都能公平和公正地获得大流行性流感疫苗。
China was committed to implementing the SCM Agreement in a manner that was fair and equitable to China and to other WTO Members. 中国承诺以对中国和其他wto成员公平公正的方式实施《SCM协定》。
Article 42 Fair and Equitable Procedures 第四十二条公平合理程序
This is fair and equitable. 这才是公平合理的。
The trial should be fair and equitable; until now it has been anything but. 案件的审理应该公平、公正,然而现在却不是这样。
That is, the strengthening of health systems, and fair and equitable access to health care by all. 本区域目标就是要加强卫生系统,实现人人都能公正和平等地获得卫生保健机会。
Both parties follow the principle of honest and trustworthy, mutual benefit, fair and equitable, negotiated consensus and army-mass unity, and join hands in developing the medical care cause of our homeland. 双方遵守诚实守信、平等互惠、公正公平、协商一致、军民团结的原则,共同发展祖国医疗卫生事业。
The rules for import licensing procedures shall be neutral in application and administered in a fair and equitable manner. 进口许可程序规则的实施应保持中性,并以公平、公正的方式进行管理。
Microsoft is committed to resolving this case in a fair and equitable manner. 微软会致力以公平的方式尽快解决有关问题。
Procedures concerning the enforcement of intellectual property rights shall be fair and equitable. 知识产权的执法程序应公平合理。
The Chief Range Officer is responsible for the fair and equitable application of all procedural and scoring rules ( under the authority of the Range Master). 另外总靶场主任也负责执行程序与计分规定的公正与公平性(由靶场总监所授权)。
Any distribution of the assets of the Bank to the members shall be in proportion to the capital stock held by each member and shall be effected at such times and under such conditions as the Bank shall deem fair and equitable. 银行向成员分配资产,应与各成员持有的股本成比例,并应在银行认为公正平等的时间和条件下生效。
The harmonious relation of distributing income is a specific standard of social harmony, fair and equitable income distribution system is of great significance for building a harmonious society. 收入分配关系和谐是社会和谐的具体标准,公正和公平的收入分配制度对于构建和谐社会意义重大。
Money laundering is a seriously social problem; it not only undermines the fair and equitable economic activities and the market economy principle of orderly competition, but also damages the reputation of financial institutions and the normal, the threat of financial system security and stability. 洗钱行为具有严重的社会危害性,它不仅破坏经济活动的公平公正原则和市场经济中的有序竞争,而且损害金融机构的声誉和正常进行,威胁金融体系的安全与稳定。
Education is a driving force for national prosperity, education, fair and equitable society as a whole reflects and foundation. 教育是一个国家兴旺发达的动力,教育公平又是整个社会公平的体现和基础。
Fair and equitable treatment is a standard of treatment which widely exists in international investment treaties. 公平与公正待遇是国际投资条约中广泛存在的一种待遇标准。
As one of the standards in international investment treaties, Fair and Equitable Treatment Standards for the treatment of foreign investment has been widely adopted. But scholars of different countries hold different viewpoints on the definition of the standards. 公正与公平待遇标准作为外资待遇标准之一,在国际投资条约中,已被普遍采纳,但不同的国家和学者对该标准的含义一直存在观点分歧。